The Athlete Factory NZ - Long Term Youth Development

The aim of this pathway is to create a platform for consistent long term engagement for all youth. The core principles are:

Forming a healthy relationship with exercise for life
- Providing a platform for participatory children, as well as aspiring youth athletes
- Challenging all youth based on their age and stage to fully enhance their development
- Offering a robust pathway to retain a high number of youth


Greenpark Sessions will be:
Tuesday Lunchtimes
1245pm Start
Commencing Tuesday 30th April 2024


Your Email *
Students legal name (First & Surname) *
IMPORTANT. Start typing and choose the Student Name from the list provided.
Gender *
Year level *
Room number *
Parent / Caregivers full name *
Mobile number *
Any health conditions we should be aware of? *
Any major past injuries we should be aware of ? *



This form requires a payment of $100.00.
After submitting this form, you'll be redirected to our payment page to make the payment and complete the form submission.
Failure to complete the payment will mean the form ISN'T submitted to the School, and if this is a registration form, your child will NOT be registered.