All children living in our enrolment zone are entitled to attend Greenpark School. Enrolments are taken at all levels throughout the year. If you are living in zone and haven’t indicated to the school that your son/daughter will be attending at some stage, please contact the Admin Team on enrolment@greenparkschool.co.nz

The act defines ‘In Zone’ where the child usually lives and it will be necessary to ask you to provide evidence that you are living inside the zone.

Proof of Residential Address:
Greenpark School has a Ministry of Education approved Enrolment Scheme in place. To comply with the provisions of this scheme, residential addresses will require verification before an enrolment is accepted. Please bring a copy of either a Tenancy Agreement or a Rates Invoice when enrolling.




If you are living outside of the school’s zone, it is only possible to secure a place at the school if there is a vacancy. The reason for setting up the enrolment zone is to ensure that our class sizes to not become too large and over-crowded. Children living outside the zone may obtain a place through a ballot system.

Each year the Board of Trustees will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.

If you would like to apply as an out of zone student, please contact the school office on enrolment@greenparkschool.co.nz or 541 0606.

Applications for out of zone enrolments will be processed in the following order:

  • First priority does not apply as this school does not operate a special programme.

  • Second priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.

  • Third priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.

  • Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.

  • Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.

  • Sixth priority must be given to other applicants.


If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.
Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.


As we are required to check birth certificates and immunisation records of New Entrant children, it would be appreciated if the birth certificate/passport, or appropriate residency documentation could be brought along to School as soon as possible for verification, if this has not already been done at the time of enrolment.

These items must be sighted prior to your child’s attendance.

Because you live in our enrolment zone, your child is automatically entitled to attend Greenpark School. Please note, you will be asked to provide address verification when completing an enrolment form. Please complete and submit this Intention to Enrol form in order that our records are updated and we can prepare for your child to attend our school.


  • Contact the school office on enrolment@greenparkschool.co.nz or phone 541 0606 at any age prior to turning 5 years old if you are intending to enrol.

  • Approx. 10 weeks before your child's 5th birthday,we will make contact with you to start the enrolment process. Other documentation required is also listed on the website. 

  • Once a place at Greenpark School has been confirmed a transition programme will be provided to ensure a successful start to school.
  • School visits will be arranged prior to your child starting school. Our New Entrant teachers will visit all inzone Early Childhood Centres to meet your child and their Early Childhood teacher.

  • Parent information meetings will be provided to ensure you are informed about our school, vision, values and curriculum.
  • Enrolment Packs include a Stationery List. New Entrant Stationery Packs are available for purchase from the School Office.

  • Any questions or concerns can be discussed with Deputy Principal Christina Leef who leads the Junior School. Email: christinal@greenparkschool.co.nz 




If your child is changing schools and you are living inzone, you need to let their current school know first, then contact us on enrolment@greenparkschool.co.nz with your childs name, date of birth, previous school, year level and address and contact details.

A staff member will contact you to arrange a time to begin the enrolment process.


With the growing traffic problems in Tauranga we have started an initiative with the Tauranga City Council to alleviate traffic pressures at the school gate. Learners and their families can sign up to our ‘Kids on Feet’ programme. This encourages learners to walk, scooter or bike to and from school as they collect rewards for their efforts. For those families where this is not possible you are encouraged to drop your children 500m from the school gate and for them to walk. We have designated two areas for this, Maleme Street and Moreland Fox Park.




 We have one school bus number 906 that services part of The Lakes, Pyes Pa and Windermere. To be able to use the school bus service you need to contact the school office. We wil then sign your child up and they will be added to the bus roll. 

To view the school bus route and approximate times please click on the link here:  https://www.baybus.co.nz/tauranga-schools/school-bus-routes-2023/

The school bus is currently a free service. 



Greenpark School Uniform is designed by international sportswear manufacturer Kukri.

Uniforms can be purchased online through our shop here on our website and will be delivered to your childs class on the next school day. Stock is also available at the school office during school hours and payment can be made via cash or Eftpos.

Students can wear any shoes that are practical for school. Plain black pants may be worn in winter time. School hats must be worn during the summer terms  - Terms 1&4.


The prices are available for sale as below:


  • Polo Shirt $35.00

  • Blast Fleece $75.00

  • Shorts $30.00

  • Skorts $35.00

  • Bucket Hat $25.00


 Second Hand Uniforms

We do sell second hand uniforms on our online school shop also. The stock for these items are really limited but are updated regularly.



Stationery packs can be purchased online through our school shop here on our website, or at the school office by cash or Eftpos.

Prices for the different packs are available on the school shop.

Students in Years 0-4 will also need a Library Bag and a Journal Bag.

Students in Years 5-6 will just require a Library Bag.

All students transferring to Greenpark School from another school will require a sketch pad also.

School Lunch Orders

School Lunch Ideas

Children need to bring to school a packed morning tea and lunch and a water bottle every day.

If you are looking for ideas of what to put in your childs lunchbox, have a look at the Heart Foundation Healthy Lunchbox Ideas Webpage here: https://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/about-us/news/blogs/healthy-lunchbox-ideas 

Online Orders - Lunch on Lumsden

Small catering company Lunch on Lumsden take online lunch orders on a Thursday and Friday which are delivered to students. Orders must be placed by 8:30am for same day delivery.

To access please head to their website http://lunchonlumsden.com/ 

To view their specials or keep up to date with information, check out their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lunchonlumsden.




The bell times at Greenpark School are as follows:

9:00am - Classes begin

10:45-11:05am - Interval Play Time

11:05-11:15am - Interval Eating Time

12:45-1:15pm - Lunch Play Time

1:15-1:30pm - Lunch Eating Time

2:50pm - Park & Stride and Walking School Bus Students Leave

3:00pm - Classes finish 

Class rooms are open from 8:30am for students to arrive and prepare for the day with classes beginning at 9am. All students that arrive to school late must report to the school office to sign in so their arrival to school is recorded for safety reasons. 

We ask that families try to make appointments outside of school hours as leaving during class time is disruptive for your student, their classmates and the teachers. If a child does need to leave during school time, you will need to come to the office to sign them out and they will be called over from class.

All family and visitors to school during the day must report to the school office to sign in.